Common House Plants That Purify Your Home

Common House Plants That Purify Your Home

There are common house plants that not only add beauty to your indoor décor but also improve your indoor air. All plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen, but certain houseplants rid our indoor air of considerable amounts of pollutants like benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene. NASA compiled a list of air-filtering plants as a part of a clean air study that investigated approaches to clean air in space stations.

What causes indoor air pollution?

In the past, our homes and buildings were poorly insulated and leaked a lot of air. So, the leaks replaced air in our homes and buildings every couple of hours. Consequently, indoor air pollution wasn’t seen as a health threat.

However after the energy shortages of the 1970’s, more and more of us started to insulate our houses and office buildings to conserve energy and lower heating and cooling costs. As a result, indoor air might linger for five hours or more, allowing pollutants to accumulate.

Which common house plants help?

The following chart explains what products are the sources of the pollutants. As you can see, the pollutants are emitted from furnishings, office equipment, and building materials. Researchers learned that certain houseplants remove as much as 87 percent of indoor air pollutants within 24 hours. If we wish to get the maximum benefit of these natural air filters, NASA researchers recommend one potted plant per 100 square feet of home or office space.

Indoor Pollutants and Houseplants

PollutantSourcesPlants that Remove the Pollutant
BenzeneInks, oils, paints, plastics,
rubber, dyes, detergents,
gasoline, pharmaceutical,
tobacco smoke, synthetic fibers
English Ivy, Dracaena Marginata, Janet Craig, Warneckei, Chrysanthemum, Gerbera Daisy, Peace Lily
FormaldehydeFoam insulation, plywood, pressed-wood products, grocery bags, waxed paper, fire retardants, adhesive binders in floor coverings, cigarette smoke, natural gasAzalea, Philodendron, Spider Plant, Golden Pothos, Bamboo Palm, Corn Plant, Chrysanthemum, Mother-in-law's Tongue
TrichloroethylenePrimarily used in the metal degreasing and dry cleaning industries; also in printing inks, paints, lacquers, varnishes, adhesivesGerbera Daisy, Chrysanthemum, Peace Lily, Warneckei, Dracaena Marginata

“Top 10 Air Purifying House Plants” at shares information and illustrates ten common houseplants that help purify our homes. Seeing pictures can help you identify the plant when you go to your local nursery.

Top 10 Air Purifying House Plants Top 10 House Plants for Clean Air Bamboo removes benzene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde while also adding moisture to the air to act as a natural humidifier. Read more…

As we make our homes ready for fall and winter, let’s include some of the most common houseplants to our décor. The plants will bring nature’s green indoors as our outdoor landscapes lose their hues and finally become dormant.


Images courtesy of; Chart Source: Laura Pottorff, Colorado State University




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