Moist Cream Cheese Coconut Muffins [Recipe] 1

Cream Cheese, Oats & Coconut Muffins [Recipe]

Elevate Your Muffin Game with Cream Cheese: A Look at Coconut Cream Cheese Oat Muffins


Cream cheese isn’t just a topping for your morning bagel; it’s a culinary wizard that can magically transform various dishes, especially muffins. Today, we’re exploring a delightful muffin recipe that combines cream cheese, coconut, and oats for a breakfast treat that’s out of this world.

The Magic of Cream Cheese in Muffins

This dairy wonder brings a rich, creamy texture and a tangy flavor to muffins, making them irresistibly delicious. Whether it’s blueberry or chocolate chip, this ingredient adds a layer of complexity that takes your baked goods to the next level. It’s not just about the flavor; it also contributes to a moist, dense crumb perfect for a satisfying breakfast or snack.

Spotlight on Coconut Cream Cheese Oat Muffins

These Coconut Cream Cheese Oat Muffins are a game-changer inspired by a recipe from Bake or Break. Jennifer McHenry, the blog’s author, has crafted a sweet and hearty recipe with a wonderful coconut flavor. Read the full article here. This recipe uniquely combines cream cheese with toasted coconut and oats, creating a muffin that’s a perfect break from the norm.

The Importance of Toasting Coconut

Toasting coconut is a simple yet impactful step in this recipe. It brings out a nutty aroma and deepens the coconut flavor, making it the star of the muffin. If you’re new to toasting coconut, don’t worry. It’s as easy as spreading shredded coconut on a baking sheet and baking it for 10 to 12 minutes. The result is a flavorful ingredient that takes these muffins to a whole new level.

Why This Recipe Stands Out: Flavor and Texture

What sets these muffins apart is the perfect balance of flavors and textures and the ease of making them. Jennifer’s recipe is pretty straightforward. In less than an hour, you can have freshly baked muffins that are great for breakfast or afternoon tea. The creamy staple adds a rich, creamy dimension, while the toasted coconut provides a delightful crunch. The oats contribute to the hearty texture, filling and satisfying these muffins.

Tips for Making Your Cream Cheese Muffins

If you’re inspired to make your cream cheese muffins, here are some tips to ensure success:

  • Choose Quality Ingredients: Opt for full-fat cream cheese and fresh coconut for the best results.
  • Don’t Overmix: Overmixing can make your muffins tough. Mix just until the ingredients are combined.
  • Test for Doneness: Use a toothpick to check if your muffins are done. It should come out clean or with a few crumbs.


Muffins are a classic treat, but with the right ingredients, they can be extraordinary. This creamy staple, combined with toasted coconut and oats, creates a muffin that’s not just delicious but also satisfying and easy to make. So why settle for ordinary when you can have extraordinary? Give these muffins a try and elevate your breakfast game.

Additional Resources

For more insights into the world of muffins, from creative recipes to storage tips, explore these valuable resources:


Moist Cream Cheese Coconut Muffins [Recipe]




Images via

Editorial Update: We strive to keep our content accurate and up-to-date. As part of our ongoing efforts, this article has been moved from Personal Musings to FOOD & RECIPES on 09/14/2023.

This article was first published on March 6, 2017, and updated on October 23, 2023. We’ve fixed a broken link and enriched the content to improve your reading.


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