Small puppies bring delightful moments, but they also need dedicated attention. That need for specialized care has kept me from getting another dog. Looking back, I can see many mistakes I made in training my companion, Nicky, and I don’t want to repeat them.

Among the top three puppy lessons is potty training. As members of a litter, puppies poop and pee wherever and whenever. They have no control over their bowels or bladder. So, when we bring home our new puppy, we need to establish boundaries and get ourselves on a timetable.

Puppies are babies dependent on humans for feeding, training, grooming, etc. Consistent attention paired with praise and reward will yield proper house training.

Potty Training Tips for Small Puppies

The experts at explain best practices in puppy potty training in “How to Potty Train a Puppy, the Easy Way. ” Their tips are easy to understand if you’re a new dog owner.

House Training a Puppy | Potty Train a Puppy the Easy Way puppy just doesn’t seem to get it… Every puppy presents different challenges, but there are common instincts that will facilitate the house training process. This article will detail a training program with techniques that will house train your puppy as soon as possible and foster a trusting and loving relationship between you and your pup. Read more…

One of the ideas that I liked was the “Housetraining Taxi Service. You scoop up that little fur ball, carry him to his designated bathroom area, and then cuddle on the way back. This practice makes going to the potty a time for bonding and kisses. Keeping a diary to note when your pup goes to the bathroom is another valuable tip. The journal helps you remember when it’s “time to go” again.

Being a responsible dog owner requires commitment. If you or your family cannot commit, resist getting a dog. Postpone the decision, as I have, until you have the time and desire to give complete attention to a loving puppy.


Small Puppies -- Potty Training Tips 2



Editorial Update: We strive to keep our content accurate and up to date. As part of our ongoing efforts, this article was moved from Family to PET CARE & FAMILY on 09/10/2023.


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