Vintage photo of beautiful wild flower in sunset


Cherishing memories of my dear church friend, Herlinda, has become a poignant part of my life since her sudden departure. Earlier this week, she was unexpectedly called home, leaving us in shock. Herlinda’s passing, with no warning and in a matter of seconds, deeply affected her family and friends. Reflecting on her life, I am reminded of the precious moments we shared and her impact on those around her.

Herlinda’s commitment to homeschooling resulted in incredible achievements, with three of her children proudly holding college degrees and the youngest child actively pursuing higher education. This journey reminds me of a piece I wrote detailing the graduation of her youngest son – a milestone that Herlinda held dear. For a deeper insight into this special event and the impact of homeschooling, I invite you to read my reflections on lessons learned from that high school graduation. Where I share more about this unique and rewarding educational journey.

The loss of Herlinda has left a profound void in the lives of her husband and children. Remembering her beautiful smile and warm hugs brings sadness and a deep sense of loss. Yet, in these moments of grief, I find myself learning essential lessons about life and faith.

Herlinda, a teacher by both education and vocation, taught me that death can indeed come unexpectedly. This reinforces the importance of staying in a state of grace and being prepared for our eventual meeting with God. It’s a stark reminder to express love openly to those close to us and to prioritize staying in touch with family and friends. Simple acts like sending birthday cards, making phone calls, or sending text messages become significant gestures of love and connection.

Her approach to life also emphasized the value of warm smiles and hugs, knowing that each moment is precious and irreplaceable. As I navigate my sadness, I find solace in believing Herlinda is at peace. I envision the day we will reunite in Heaven, per our faith. In the meantime, I look towards her usual pew in church, now empty, alongside my mother’s, and offer a prayer in their memory. Rest in peace, dear Herlinda and Mom. Your earthly journey may have ended, but your impact and love resonate.

For those wishing to know more about Herlinda’s life and impact, I invite you to read her obituary here.

Editorial Update: We strive to keep our content accurate and up-to-date. As part of our ongoing efforts, this article has been moved from Personal Musings to LIFESTYLE & MUSINGS on 09/14/2023.

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